What are causes?

Flashes and floaters are very common conditions, and tend to happen as we grow older. When patients start to reach middle age, the vitreous gel in the eye may start to shrink. When this happens, clumps or strands start to form inside of the eye. The vitreous gel pull away from the back wall of the eye, where the retina is located, causing another condition called posterior vitreous detachment. This can in turn cause floaters to appear in vision. Posterior viterous detachment is more common in patients are are nearsighted, have undergone cataract surgery, or who have had injury to the eye.

A detached retina or a retinal tear may also cause flashes and floaters. Flashes and floaters can commonly be one of the first symptoms of a retinal detachment or tear. It is important to contact your eye doctor if you are experiencing flashes and floaters, especially if they happen suddenly. Our doctors at Total Eye Care Centers are experts in diagnosing and treating flashes and floaters related to retinal conditions.

Flashes and floaters become more and more common as we age, so it is important to know what causes them and what symptoms to look out for. Cloud-like floaters are generally just a symptom of the natural aging process and are not anything to be worried about, although they can be annoying. A Weiss Ring floater is a little more serious, and is usually a sign of posterior vitreous detachment. Read more about the different types of floaters.

At Total Eye Care Centers, we care about our patients and want them to see their vision to its full potential. Flashes and floaters may not always affect a patient's daily life, but they can be frustrating, as well as diminish quality of vision and quality of life. If you are experiencing flashes and floaters, call us today to see if you are a candidate for treatment!